3E's Events

3E's Events

Saturday 23 May 2015

40 Tips for a Hassle-Free Birthday Party

From games to goody bags, your guide to the best party ever.
By Kate Kelly

Manners & Responsibility: Kids at Parties

Timing, Invitations, Cakes

Kids love their birthday even before they quite know what it is. And what's not to love about cake, presents, friends, and family? Some parents thrive on the planning, decorating, and hosting; others want to make the event as fuss-free as possible. No matter what your party profile, here are plenty of ideas to help you get started on a celebration your child will love.

Making the Most of Baby's First

Your baby's first year -- and yours as his parent -- is a milestone worthy of a party. But this may not be the year for a big blowout. Your newly minted 1-year-old may be overwhelmed by a large crowd.

1. One way to keep your event simple yet celebratory is to host an open house, particularly ideal if some of your guests are driving an hour or two to get there, or have their own kids with their own schedules and needs. Have your party from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., and allow people to come and go as they please. That way, there's no pressure for your child to be "on" at a certain time, and you're not attempting to plan your event around naps, meals, or moods.

For bigger parties, which are especially ideal for toddlers and preschoolers, here are real-life tips that will make your day fun and festive.

Timing and Invitations

2. Any mom will tell you to be clear on the invitation what time the party ends. An hour-and-a-half party is the gold standard for 2- and 3-year-olds.

3. Indicate on the invitation whether you'll be serving lunch, so people know whether or not to feed their kids.

4. Remember to put an "RSVP by" date on the invitation, but don't panic if it appears no one is coming to the party! For some reason, many of us can never get around to letting people know we're coming (we are much more likely to call if we're not). The RSVP date allows you to start your follow-up calls without feeling like a nudge.

Let Them Eat Cake...

A big birthday cake will allow for a more dramatic blow-out-the-candles moment.

5. Try a theme cake if your kid's mad about Barney or Clifford. Costco is known for making great-tasting, inexpensive sheet cakes with lots of characters and designs to choose from.

6. Ask your local bakery about a cake featuring your baby's photo.

7. Ambitious? Make your own cake (from a mix or scratch). Get ideas and tools from Wilton.com.

...or Cupcakes

Cupcakes are less hassle. There's no cutting, and they're easier to serve.

8. For a photo-worthy effect, buy a cupcake "tree" to serve them from (again, Wilton.com has them).

9. Ice cupcakes in different colors and arrange them in a fun pattern, or one that spells out your child's name or "Happy Birthday."

10. Put out sprinkles and other decorations so each guest can create her own masterpiece.

Favors, Entertainment, Gifts, Food
Let Us Entertain You

Should you hire entertainment? It's not necessary for the kids. But it may make the party more enjoyable for you.

11. If you can't afford the cost of a magician or clown (they can be pricey in some areas), consider hiring a couple of teens to do some face painting.

12. Or, if you've ever taken a parent-child music class and have the book and CD, try adapting the classroom activities to your party by providing the kids with inexpensive instruments, music, and space to dance.

Do Me a Favor

Kids adore goody bags and may even expect them, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune.

13. The parents will love you if you opt for one biggish item rather than an assortment of small toys that often end up scattered all over the house.

A box of sidewalk chalk, a tambourine with the child's name on it, a set of maracas, or a travel-sized doodle board will make most kids happy. Parents will also appreciate if you go easy on the candy.

14. If you do want to go the more traditional route, visit OrientalTrading.com. There are literally thousands of inexpensive items to choose from.

Gift Dos and Don'ts

15. Do tell people what your child would like if they ask.

16. Don't open gifts during the party.

17. Do send a quick thank-you note. (An e-mail is fine, as long as it's personalized.) Your effort will be appreciated.

18. Don't set up a gift registry online. It's too much for a party.

Catering to Kids

19. Finger foods make everyone's life easier -- you don't need to provide cutlery, and your guests aren't trying to chase a toddler while balancing a plate of pasta salad. Sandwiches cut into quarters, veggies and dip, fruit on skewers, bagels, and muffins are just a few party-friendly food ideas.

20. If you're serving a crowd of toddlers or preschoolers who are all going to eat at the same time, chicken nuggets (don't forget the ketchup!) or Bagel Bites are easy on your budget and quick to pull together. The excited party-goers are often just too wound up to eat very much, which is why you don't want to spend too much time or money on the meal.

Games, Desserts

Toddler Games

What will kids do at the party? Toddlers and preschoolers are not big fans of complicated crafts and organized games. To accommodate short attention spans and a love of free play, your best strategy is to have several activity stations. Here are a few ideas.

21. Put multiple sets of bubble solution and wands on a table. Station a parent there to help kids blow the bubbles.

22. Gather all your ride-on toys and group them on the driveway or in the playroom. Put balls in another self-contained area.

23. Set up a pop-up tent for toddlers to run in and out of or use as a fort.

24. Invest in a nylon tunnel (available at IKEA and Toys 'R' Us) for children to play in and crawl through.

25. Play freeze dance. Kids dance when the music is on, stay still when you turn it off.

26. Sit everyone down for a story when the gang needs to calm down.

Creative Desserts

27. The only thing my 1-year-old recognized was the Baby Einstein logo. So I made him a caterpillar cake. It was easy, just a few round cakes with different colored frosting. He loved it. --Anna Marie

28. Mud cups are lots of fun to serve instead of cake and ice cream. Use clear plastic cups, fill halfway with chocolate pudding, top with a layer of crushed chocolate cookies like Oreos, and then put a gummy worm or two on the top to look like they're coming out of the earth. --Kris

29. Here's a great idea someone told me about: Scoop ice cream into baking cups before the party and stick back in the freezer. When it comes time for ice cream, everyone has their own cup without the hassle. --Wendy

Location, Readers' Secrets

Party Away

What if you don't have the room -- or the desire -- to throw a party at your house? Here are some low-cost ideas to host a party off-site.

30. Churches often rent out their rec rooms, which can come with tables, chairs, and even play equipment.

31. A nearby park makes a great venue if the weather is cooperative (if not, have a backup plan or rain date in mind). Reserve a space in advance, if possible, or lay claim to it early on party day before the crowds show up.

32. Some fire stations host parties for a small fee. Kids get a tour of the firehouse and use of a room for cake.

Readers' Secrets

33. You will be busy, so recruit a couple of family members or friends to run the video camera and take pictures. It's hard to do everything yourself. --Susan

34. If you really want to make the first birthday special, celebrate alone the night before. Take all the pictures then, and on the day of the party, relax. You don't have to worry about getting that shot of baby blowing out the candles. You've already got it. --Margie

35. For my daughter's third birthday, we had her party at a local park. The shelter had electricity so we were able to bring food in Crock-Pots. The kids played at the playground before and after the meal. Cleanup was easy. Having it there really took the pressure off of me. --Michelle

36. For my daughter's first birthday, we rented out a pool-side hotel room. The hotel allowed family and friends to come use the pool. We put tables together and had a beach party. The adults enjoyed the hot tub. Everyone had a blast. --Alicia

37. For my daughter's first birthday, I asked everyone to bring a 2-liter beverage. I provided the cake and meat. On the invitation, I said "no gifts please." --Vickie

38. If you're having the party inside, line the floor with a plastic sheet. Let kids sit in a circle on the liner while they're eating. After cake, channel their sugar highs by putting on some kiddy tunes and letting them dance away. --Nisha

39. Avoid character themes when purchasing paper goods. Instead, buy solid color plates, napkins, and cups when they're on sale. Then if you have remainders, you can use them for other occasions. --Tracy

40. The biggest hit at our party was blow-up beach balls that had fish inside them, inexpensive items that we got from the Oriental Trading Company. --Kelly

Originally published in American Baby magazine, July 2005.

Monday 18 May 2015

Need Of Wedding Planners in India

These days, almost every couple is planning budget; however, everyone seems to think they can do all the preparatory work all by themselves to save money. Therefore, they invest in a great photographer to capture the moment, floral designer hired to make everything look nice and money spent ages. However, when it comes to getting a professional wedding planner India together will all the details, generally, the couple decided to hold back on this point. A lot of money in the plan, but to the wedding day, everything is executed is a family friend, an aunt, catering manager, or bridesmaid.

One should not forget that they get what they pay for and the wedding planner is no exception. The actual bride wedding planning service as a business, rather than as a hobby is essential, you will not be charged an amount which can not afford. And their interactive services and provide them with Indian wedding planners; do wedding planning services highly sought after.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

How to give your content more impact at events

As digital content specialists for events, we’re often asked what can be done with data-heavy content to make it more engaging and interesting for visitors at events.

Events and exhibitions are an assault on all the senses. They’re noisy, busy, colorful, lively environments in which text or data heavy content simply isn’t going to get attention. It might be ground-breaking. It might be revolutionary. It might transform healthcare but unless it stands out in some way, unless it looks interesting and piques curiosity, your visitors will simply overlook it entirely. So, here’s our top tips for giving your content more impact at events:

Bring content to life

All too often we install video walls and plasma screens which clients load up with detailed data which is utterly uninviting. Save the paragraphs of texts and endless graphs that demonstrate your products’ brilliance for later. Pick out the key elements of your research, or product data/benefits and look for a novel way to tell its story, to bring it to life in a way which will entice visitors to know more. For example, as a frontispiece use a quote, a single graph, something a little cryptic or a question – something that is short and can therefore be big, gets right to the heart of the matter and will get people interested. Or think about creating a short animation to introduce the key benefits of your solution. Animations are a great way to summarise complicated information succinctly and pictorially and we can make them really cost-effectively these days.

Get interactive

Ideally, your frontispiece will be interactive as that’s what will pull your visitors in. If your question or graph or visual sets up the initial interest, the interactivity enables the visitor to be in control of discovering more. Increasingly, we’ve been using gesture and motion control technology to make our interactive content solutions even snazzier. For example, we’ve used leap motion control to enable visitors to control a 3D beating heart. By moving their hands mid-air they could zoom in on a particular section, rotate the heart to change perspective and play animations which showed the movement of blood through the heart’s chambers. Seeing visitors, “conducting” the movement of a giant 3D hologram heart, draws in further visitors interested to know more and get involved, and transforms your stand from being research-heavy and data-centric to being entertaining and lively.

Engage your audience

Interactive content gets visitors delving deeper into your products at their own pace, but it’s still a relatively passive approach. Draw the visitor deeper into your content by getting them directly engaged with the product. For example, instead of just displaying the graphical results of a piece of research for a pharma client, we asked visitors, via a 3m by 2m video wall, what they thought the results would look like. A graph appeared on the wall which they could then adjust – using gesture control technology and moving their arm up and down until it represented their expected results. This got them thinking about your solution rather than just passively receiving information about it – and it looks interesting to passersby to see someone interacting with and controlling data. The screen then juxtaposed the real results alongside their guesswork and gave them a score in terms of accuracy. You could even create a bit of competition here and introduce a leaderboard.

Super-size me

There’s a presumption that you can’t have interactive and large-screen at the same time. Not true. Just because you want to make your content interactive, doesn’t mean you have to compromise on screen size – in fact, it’s vital you don’t if you want to retain impact. Recently, we’ve been using large-scale video walls or LEDs alongside a bank of 6 ipads which each control a portion of the screen – we call this our socketing system. When not in use, the screen shows one large-scale image or presentation, but each ipad can be used to control a particular portion of the screen so sales teams can use their ipad to fling content onto a portion of the screen to demonstrate to visitors, with multiple demos happening simultaneously. You don’t have to use ipads for this – you could have one large screen which is multi-touch, so can be used by several different users simultaneously to provide the content they’re looking for. Visitors are more in the driving seat with this approach but the whole screen does have to be reachable which limits its size, particularly the height – although we can get around this by installing the screen as a touchtable, so it’s all accessible.

Less is more and big is better

Size really does matter when it comes to screens at events. The average householder has a 40inch screen at home in their living room, so are pretty much immunised against seeing small screens – in a busy environment it just doesn’t grab their attention. The screen size obviously needs to be compatible with the stand size, but a large scale image definitely has more impact than a small one. That said, just because a screen is large, doesn’t mean it should be filled corner to corner with information. On big screens, keep wording succinct, use imagery over words and video over imagery and think of clever ways to make a quick impact, before the visitors eyes have moved to the next shiny thing.

Resource : http://techtalk.eventmagazine.co.uk/2015/03/04/how-to-give-your-content-more-impact-at-events/

Monday 11 May 2015

Let’s Party! 16 Business Event Planning Tips

There are many ways to create a unique experience for your employees, customers, and potential customers. Hosting a business event like a happy hour or networking event is a great way to get in front of people and learn more about them at the same time.
Plus, who doesn’t love an excuse to have a party? But first ask yourself, “what are the goals of this event?” Is it to gain more customers, is it to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work, or are you thanking your customers for their loyalty? Who is this event for, and what’s the benefit for you and your attendees? Once you have your goal(s) in mind, like every event, you have to plan ahead. Use these tips and ideas to make business event planning a breeze:

Planning Your Event
  1. Set your budget – How much can you afford to spend for the event? What will you need? Some of the usual costs associated with events include the venue, food, drinks, decor, marketing (printing/postage), giveaways and labor.
  2. Create a guest list – How many people (and who) will you invite? How many people do you expect to show up? These answers will help you with the rest of the items on this list. Start by looking at your customer base and work from there. Use other networking events that you attend to pass out info about your event, if appropriate.
  3. Select a date – When is the best time for your event? Select a few dates that work for you your potential invitees. Most people won’t be able to play hooky from work just for your event. Keep in mind that your date needs to coincide with your venue availability. The more flexible you are, the better your chance of getting a great location, and a good price.
  4. Scout locations – Should your event be held at your business, or do you need to check out other locations that might work? How much room do they have? What does the venue include (i.e., food, drinks, staff, audio equipment)? Can you use their venue in exchange for getting more people in their door or in trade for something from your business?
  5. Pick a theme – Having a theme can help brand your entire event from invitations to decorations, food, and drink ideas. Remember, the holidays are right around the corner and people LOVE holidays. Use Pinterest to your advantage for finding inexpensive and fun ideas for your theme.
Promoting Your Event
  • Questions to ask yourself: How are you going to promote your event? What’s the right way to reach your target attendee, email, social media, print invitation? What will you offer people to get them to attend?
  • Create a a timeline – Once you’ve selected a date for your business event, work backwards and decide when you’ll send out your save the date, invitations and reminders, as well as your post event thank-yous. Also consider when you’ll need to order giveaways (if applicable) and any other items.
  • Send invitations – Try using different methods (paper, email, social media) to send out your invitations. You know your audience, what will work best for them? You may want to use multiple methods.
Additional Tips
  • Consider piggybacking other events in your area. There might be a annual event in your town or neighboring town that can establish some traction for your event. There’s a Small Business Week in San Francisco that we’ve used to propel our customer events with extra marketing.
  • Find a similar or complementary business to co-host an event with you. You can use their customer list to gain more attendees for your event and possibly more prospects for your business.
  • Get donations from other business that might benefit from your event. They can sponsor different aspects of your event or help with giveaways or swag.
  • Have invitations available at your place of business (if you have one), and on you all all times to pass out. You never know when you’ll need them.
  • Social media is free! Make sure to use it to your advantage. You can offer invitees a deal for sharing your event with their friends.
  • An unexpected surprise? Send folks who were not able to attend the event a virtual goodie bagwith a special offer like a discount for your services and merchandise. They’ll still feel important and recognized.
  • Check out these helpful food and drink calculations based on the number of people attending and what they’ll potentially consume so you don’t run out.
  • Last but not least, play the host/hostess. Make sure during the event that you work the room and keep the event, conversation, food and drinks flowing!

Originally Published on: http://www.verticalresponse.com/blog/business-event-planing-tips

Thursday 7 May 2015

Event Management: Preparing The Event Budget

Predicting the financial outcome of an event

The event budget is a projection (forecast) of the income and expenditure that the event will incur based on plans made and information gathered.
The preparation of a budget is an essential part of event management. It is fundamentally important that Event Directors are able to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even. This is achieved by identifying and costing all probable expenditures and by totaling all expected revenues (income). By comparing expenditures and revenues, it then becomes possible to forecast the financial outcome of the event.
The prediction of financial outcomes of the event need to take place very early in the planning stages. There is no use on setting dates, booking venues, preparing plans until there has been some attempt to determine whether the event is financially viable.

Importance of financial control of an event

Once the Event Budget has been constructed, the Event Director has a means to exercise control of the event finances. Many organisations have run into severe financial difficulty and even bankruptcy as a result of staging events. The budget therefore enables the Event Director to make sound financial decisions about the choice of venue, and expenditure on a whole range of things including promotion, equipment and stafffing. The process of budgeting also enables the Event Director to calculate how much revenue is needed to stage the event in accordance with the planned level of expenditure.

Continual adjustment of the event budget

The preparation of an event budget is one of the earliest tasks to be undertaken in the event management process. However, it should be expected that there will be numerous adjustments and refinements to the budget throughout the whole project life-cycle. It is not possible to know every cost from the start, nor is it possible to know whether efforts to secure sponsorship and government funding will be successful. Event budgets by the event management team as better information comes to hand.

Basic event budgeting rules

Although the budget takes time to develop, there are some basic rules that should be followed from the outset:
  • Budget to avoid making a loss

If an event looks likely to make a loss, it calls into question whether the event should go ahead according to the existing plan. If it is not to late, plans should be changed so that the event will at least break-even.
  • Be realistic about event incomes
Far too often, event plans are far too optimistic about the amount of sponsorship to ge gained, or the number of people who will attend as spectators or participants. Over optimistic predictions are often a cause for financial loss as a result of staging an event.
  • Have a contingency plan
In thinking through what could possibly go wrong with an event, it is a good idea to determine what must be done if something does go wrong. For example, what happens if the sponsorship pull out, or there is very bad weather?

Typical event expenditure

For information on typical forms of event income click here.
Events costs will depend on the scale and type of event. Not all the categories stated in the table below will apply to every event.
Travel and AccommodationCosts associated with officials needed to run the event may have to be borne by the event organisers. Event participants are generally responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. In minor or local events travel and accommodation costs are unlikely.
Trophies, AwardsThe cost of medals, trophies and other awards requires detailed knowledge about the number of competitors, the categories of divisions of the competition and the format of the competition.
SalariesApplies only events are organised by professional staff.
Postage and telephoneEvents usually require considerable communications with participants and the event management team.
Stationery and PhotocopyingSpecial event stationery may be printed but otherwise there is always a lot of photocopying and usage of organisation letterheads to write correspondence.
Medical FeesEvents require persons with at least First Aid training to be in attendance. Larger events may also warrant the employment of a doctor and physiotherapists.
Venue HireA critically important aspect of the budget. Information about the probable cost of the venue needs to be obtained as early as possible. Beware that there some hidden costs such as security and supervision costs, and heating and lighting costs.
InsuranceAdditional insurance can be taken out to cover risks of injury and/or financial losses associated with events.
PrintingEvent programmes, posters, fliers and other promotional documents may need to be printed - especially where quality and colour is required.
PromotionExpenditure on promotion may be considerable where a significant proportion of the event revenue is likely to be earned through spectators. Promotion covers items such as advertising, give-aways, costs associated with promotional events and sponsors' signage.
Equipment HireIncludes equipment directly used by participants in the event and also any equipment used by the event management staff including sound systems, computers, mobile phones, two way radios, etc.
TransportIncludes costs of transporting equipment and hire of buses.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

How To Choose The Right Event Planner

ONLY great event planners produce great events. Whether you are planning a corporate event or any social event, large and elaborate or even small and intimate event, the greatest favor you can do yourself is to have a great event planner organize the event for you.

Event planners are both planners and producers of events. Whether or not you know what type of event you are trying to produce, that is the theme, venue, guests, entertainment and the overall atmosphere, a great event planner has what it takes to create the perfect mood and atmosphere and to make a lasting positive impression in your guests’ minds.

Here are a few quick guides to choosing the right event planner for your next event.

Service: If you know what type of event you want to hold, you should first list out your event needs, all the vital components to your event’s end result before starting the search for an event planner. A good event planner will work closely with you, listening to your specific needs and helping to create a clear vision for your event. A great event planner builds confidence in you similar to that which you have in your doctor or lawyer.

Friendship: A great event planner is one who is genuinely interested in you and in helping you solve your event problems. He/she displays a great sense of commitment toward you and delivers nothing short of high quality services to you. So when selecting an event planner, please find the one that shows you that care and that you can have fun with, not one who is only out to make as much money as possible from your event. Your event planner should be one you always look forward to working with.

Reputation: Any event planner that you choose to manage your event must have a great reputation and a level of experience. To find out about these, visit their official website. If they can create an organized, engaging and exciting website, chances are that they are capable of producing a great event as well.

Creativity: To make your special event a really memorable one, your event planner must be able to come up with ideas that will constantly “wow” the attendees. Your event planner’s creativity comes to play in putting together an eye pleasing and classy event with a superlative ambience that both you and your guests could never have imagined. You therefore need to be on the lookout for such when next you are hiring an event planner.

Strength of Character: It is not only important to pick a creative event planner but also one that has a reputation of being honest, straightforward and trustworthy. Trust me, your event does better with one who can keep to his word and deliver exactly what he/she has said to do.

Fund Management: A great event producer knows how to deal with money responsibly and understands how to spend wisely too. Your best choice for an event planner therefore is the one who can deliver the best possible event within the confines of your budget.

Please note that whenever you need to hire an event planner to help you with an event, it is your comfort level that is most important. Be sure to hire someone who understands what you want out of the event, instills confidence and can go all the way to produce a successful event that will be enjoyed by all in attendance and remembered for years to come.

Originally Published : http://www.ngrguardiannews.com/2015/04/how-to-choose-the-right-event-planner/

Friday 1 May 2015

Top Event Management and Wedding Planners in India

Let’s take a look at the most reliable, popular and professional wedding planners in India.

1. Reynold Weddings

Reynold Weddings is one of the first wedding planners in Goa. It offers the services like Reception/Venue, Decor , Caterors , Entertainment , Florist , Bridal Accessories , Beauty & Makeup , Photographer , Transportation , Selecting wedding Invitations & printing it. It also designs and implements the theme for the wedding with the input from customers.

2. L’amoreweddings

L’amore weddings is owned by Gunjan Bansal who was organizing wedding events in USA for more than 3 years and he launched this in Haryana in 2011. Their services include venue selection, theme decor, entertainment (performance of dance), video/photography to cover the full event and catering. Apart from this they also provide bridal make up and mehndi or henna art.

3. Elite

Elite wedding planner was established in Mumbai in the year 2011. One can choose complete wedding package or else if they want only a specific service then they can chose Wedding day coordination, Theme decoration and styling, Destination wedding planning, Month of coordination, Partial wedding planning. Services for the complete wedding planning includes Wedding Concept & Design(Theme Decoration) , Venue Selection , Catering and Menu Selection ,Music and Entertainment , Staging and Audio/Visual , Lighting Design , Invitations & Guest Management , Wedding Invitation & Stationary , Reception Management , Trousseau & Personal Shopping, Accommodations Search & Selection , Transportation , Photography/Videography ,Wedding Cinematography , Delivery and set-up of all wedding day items etc.

4. Regal Weddings

Regal weddings in Udaipur (Rajasthan ) have more than 10 years of experience in organizing wedding events.The services include venue and decor, Travel Management, accommodation, caterers, Menu and Beverage planning,florist,photographer, videographer, Musician,hair style and make up for bride etc. You can choose the venue from the wide of range of palaces in Rajasthan. The venue can also be in any one of the beaches in Goa.

5. Ferns N Petals

FNP Weddings is one of the top wedding planner in Delhi. The services include Venue Selection,Vendor Management, Trousseau, Transportation, Photography, Invitations, Hospitality, Entertainment, Catering, Stage Decor, Mehendi etc.
Wedding Planners In South India

6. Divya Vithika

Divya Vithika wedding planner is a Bangalore based company owned by Divya Chauhan and Vithika Agarwal. Both of them are former Miss India Asia Pacific in the year 1997 and 1998 respectively. The company provides everything related to wedding like wedding Invitations,venue selection , décor and set designs , events and Entertainment , Customized functions , Designer Clothing ,Hair and Make-up , Photography and Videos , Beauty and Fitness ,Mehendi artists , Ushers and helpers , Organizing baraat , Personalized gifts , Stage management , Guest management , Cuisine & Catering , Hospitality etc.

7. Rings & Roses

Rings & Roses is a Bangalore based wedding planner and was started in the year 1999. The services include Flower & decor,Stage & Mantap decor,Lighting,Bridal car decor,Wedding cakes,Bridal bouquets,Invitations & stationery, Photography, Videography, Catering, Music & entertainment, Bridal makeup & mehendi, Gifts & giveaways, Accomodation, Guest management etc.

8. Athithi Wedding Planner

Athithi wedding planner is located in Chennai and owned by ‘Kalynamalai Mohan’ who was involved in wedding planning and catering services for more than 30 years. The services include Wedding hall, catering, Wedding shopping,travel, Flower decoration, Accommodation, Invitation, Purohit,Costumes, Jewelry & Accessories, Beauty packages, Photography & Videography, Guest reception etc.

9. VR Wedding Planners

VR Wedding planner is a Hyderabad based company providing the services for wedding for the past 15 years. The services include Wedding Planning, Theme Parties, Flower Decoration, Marriage Mandapams, Stage Decorations, Catering etc.

10. Fonix Events

Fonix Events is one of the popular wedding planner in Kochi,Kerala. The services include planning and budgeting, a personal shopper for the bride, Help with the men’s outfits, Organizing hair and make up,Stationery, Wedding cake, Wedding costumes, Ceremony, Reception venue searches, Photographer and videographer, Flower arrangements and venue decorations, Entertainment artists, Master of ceremony, transport etc.

11. 3E's Events

3E’s Event is the well known name behind the Events and Artist Management company in Delhi NCR located in Noida. They provides collection of various activities that comprise of Wedding Events, Corporate Shows, Event Management, Celebrity Management, Product Launches, Fashion Show, Ghazals, Conference, Exhibition, Road Shows etc.