3E's Events

3E's Events

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

What Experience Are You Giving Your Guests?

Whether your goal is to raise money, bring employees together, or it’s to boost traffic at your conference / tradeshow, planning an event that offers an incredible experience is the ultimate goal of hosting any event. What experience are you giving your guests or potential clients?

Building excitement is only half the battle of planning a successful event. After you have gathered a team of trusted pros, targeted a specific audience, created a solid marketing plan (need event marketing ideas? Here is a great article by BizBash), it’s time to determine the type of entertainment you want to offer your guests. The location, décor, entertainment, food, and drinks will be the main focus, no matter what type of event you are planning.

About five years ago I attended a large, extravagant gathering that is still talked about today among my circle of friends. The party was centered on an upscale circus /carnival theme, which featured fire dancers, a fortune teller, card reader, a live show, music, free drinks, and amazing food. Great entertainment goes a very long way in creating a memorable event. You don’t have to have a large budget in order to create an amazing event that will be talked about for years to come. When planning your event, it’s smart to stick to the five senses.

Visual Appeal – This can easily be created through vibrant colors, and lighting.

Sound – This can be achieve through music. Hiring a band, DJ, or playing music centered on your theme is a great idea.

Smells – Smell seems to be a strange focus, but smell is very important, and often overlooked. Create the right aroma through scented candles, delicious food, or aromatherapy.

Taste- Taste is achieved by serving up delicious flavors all can enjoy.

Feeling – This sense does not have to be touch, but an internal emotion based on feeling. This is built on the lively entertainment and unique theme of an event to create a feeling of fun, happiness, and excitement.

Originally found on : http://www.bizbash.com/event-marketing#.VSUaKV2UcdQ

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